Saturday, December 13, 2008

Characters in Sonic Unleashed

Ok, so as an answer to the question I got from my last post, I don't think Shadow is in this game. I'm sorry, and don't worry, I'm just as upset as all of you are. :( The only characters that you will recognize in this game, are Sonic, (duh) Amy Rose, Tails, and unfortunately, Dr. Eggman. And in case you heard about a little pinkish-looking animal thing that follows Sonic in the game, that's Chip. WARNING! INCOMING SPOILER FOR THE GAME! Chip lost his memory in the beginning, and you later learn that Chip's real name is Light Gaia. Him and Dark Gaia have been fighting each other, breaking apart and rebuilding the plant for years. That's all I'll say about Chip for now. Spoiler's over, you can look at the post again. I have only 1 part of the Earth left to fix and Shadow did not show up in the game. He probably won't show up because the game is already almost over. I wish Shadow was in the game, but I'm afraid he's not.
P.S: Yes, I'm still in Sonic Unleashed mode. lol. I'll be talking about this game for a while longer, I bet.

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